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Dr. Wed Majdali

Dr. Wed Majdali

Genetic Consultant


Internal Medicine


Medical Genetic Consultant
Subspecialty: Prenatal Genetics


Cases that the doctor treats:

  • Diagnosis and follow-up of genetic diseases
  • Diagnosis of syndromes and genetic causes of developmental diseases and congenital birth defects
  • Genetic counselling
  • Genetic causes of infertility
  • Prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases
  • Diagnosis of oncogenes
  • Pre-conception clinics for genetic diseases
  • Premarital counseling


Years of Experience: +15
Age of patients: Adults & Pediatrics


  • French Board Certified in Medical Genetics, Descartes University, Paris
  • Fellowship in Prenatal Genetics, Necker Sick Child Hospital, Paris, France
  • Interuniversity Diploma in Dysmorphology, Diderot University, Paris, France
  • Interuniversity Diploma in Oncogenetics, University of Paris, France